(18 August 1938 – 9 July 2021)

Neil Maidment made an important contribution to British trade and commerce in the far east.  His working life was spent in India, Malaysia, Hong Kong and China.  He was recognized for his expertise and achievements by promotion to Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George in 1996.  He had served as a distinguished main board director of Glaxo plc, later to become GlaxoSmithKline plc, with responsibility for the company’s business in the Asia Pacific region especially Hong Kong and China.  He had been chairman of the Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association and chairman of the Hong Kong British Chamber of Commerce.

Neil was born in Oxford in 1938, and after World War II he spent a few years at Christ Church Cathedral School and Magdalen College School.  His family emigrated to New Zealand where he attended King’s College, Auckland.  After university he travelled widely and lived for some time in Kuala Lumpur, then settled in Hong Kong, where he was a leading figure in the Hong Kong Club.

His circle of friends was wide and eclectic.  Always warm and hospitable to friends and relations, Neil gave endless support, and entertained with humour and erudition.

Neil died after illness on July 9, 2021, and is survived by his wife, Sandie, his brother-in-law Paul, many nieces and nephews, and his three sisters.

(The Waynflete Office thanks Dr Brian Martin, former SCR member and English Teacher and HoD from 1961 – 2001, for this obituary)