Last Saturday, the MCS Robotics Club took part in Pi Wars, an international, challenge-based robotics competition held at the University of Cambridge’s Department of Computer Science and Technology. Facing off against 22 other teams during the weekend-long event, MCS ultimately emerged victorious, clinching first place among the novice entries.



The winning robot, a fire engine created by the boys over the course of the academic year, was built using Raspberry Pi silicon and completed a variety of disaster-themed challenges. Led by Calvin (Upper Fourth), who spearheaded the project, our team successfully navigated the robot through dangerous tasks such as ‘Eco-Disaster’ and ‘Escape Route’ to win the ‘Young Teams – Novices’ category.



Many congratulations to Calvin (Captain; Upper Fourth), Ethan (Upper Fourth), Adam, Iden and Lintian (all Third Form). Well done boys!