Pupils were asked to design Christmas trees in their houses this week and after some hard work, they were all finished. It was a close call but after “quite a few moments taken”, the Master Helen Pike decided upon the winner.

In an unusual turn of events, two trees won the competition – Chavasse and Wilkinson.

In her deliberations, the Master said: “Both have strong house spirit. Chavasse as the angel at the top of a tree made from recycled cardboard is great. There is a strong military and MCS historical feel to the tree.

Both have strong house spirit.

The Master, Helen Pike

Wilkinson’s is a jaunty purple and is clearly the most sustainable, in that it can be dismantled and given to those who want and need the food. A lovely symbol of how we kept the Community Larder going throughout lockdown.  So really evocative of the spirit of MCS during the past two years in particular.”