
In the Junior School, we help pupils nurture the talents, interests and skills which will see them flourish over the years to come. The school has its own Head, Tim Skipwith, and dedicated team of specialist teachers, whilst being under the overall direction of the Master and benefiting from Senior School staff and facilities.

Welcome from Tim Skipwith

A lifelong
love of learning

Our aim is for Junior School boys to develop a lifelong love of learning. We strive for high academic standards, whilst ensuring each lesson is fun and memorable.

Academic Learning

we really care

We believe that if our boys are happy there is no end to what they can achieve. Their social, spiritual and academic care is extremely important in shaping their future.

Pastoral Care

the classroom

Co-curricular activities are a key part of a child’s happiness and development. That’s why we dedicate a whole afternoon each week to activities where our boys can explore their interests, socialise, and learn new skills.

Co-curricular activities