Seventy-four Second  Form boys ventured to Devon over the opening weekend of half-term. Excited by the prospect of staying near the only place in England to have an exclamation mark in its name (Westward Ho!) and by the improving weather forecast, they stayed for two nights at the Skern Lodge activity centre. Qualified instructors took them rafting and kayaking, helped them navigate an assault course and high ropes and taught them archery. The instructors commented on how good the groups were and the boys, in turn, appreciated the easy efficiency with which the weekend was managed.


Highlights included a raucous rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ for Ilia and Joe and an ear-splitting rendition of ‘Swing Low, Sweet Chariot’ as England cruised past Australia in the World Cup quarter-final. Despite Mr Penton’s attempts to stir up some crowd trouble, the match passed off peacefully, the result leaving the boys in good spirits. Pool, table football (where several boys were given a sobering lesson by Mr Hemingway) and the amazingly popular site shop were well-patronised and the food was both plentiful and delicious. Thank you to all the staff who made the trip possible.